The US sold the Federal Helium Reserve, a massive underground stockpile based in Amarillo, Texas, that supplies up to 30% of the country’s helium. Was this a good idea?

War inventions that shaped history. Each invention transformed battlefields, redefining the art and strategy of war. Is the US properly prepared for 21st century war?

Humanoid robots, the epitome of AI and robotics. A promise of a bright future reshaping our world. But how realistic is this?

Pumped hydro storage is considered one of the most established and widely used forms of grid-scale energy storage. A look at the pros and cons of the technology and its future prospects.

With the explosion of plastics in the world, and that many of the chemicals from them have seeped into our food and drink, are these microplastics a concern to our health?

Bret Weinstein on Tucker Carlson's podcast made a claim that there could be 17 million excess deaths globally steming from the Covid pandemic. Using the help of AI, let's see if we can validate some of these claims.

There is the age old debate between evolution or creationism. Do the mathematical probabilities disprove evolution?

There have been several report out about how certain commodity prices are starting to skyrocket. Is this emblematic of higher food prices to come along with inflation?

The Paratethys Sea existed millions of years ago, four times the size of Texas. With Climate Change "experts" predictions of rising sea levels, could it come back?

Recently there have been rumors that Putin uses body doubles for security reasons. A look to see if it is real or a hoax.