In a few short decades Muslims will dominate the world demographically. At current trends, the face of immigration will be PoC and Muslim.

A look at theories on where and who are the lost 10 tribes of Israel - and which could be the most plausable with it's relevance to today's geopolitical events and Biblical prophecy.

After the recent rise of the social media app TikTok, a look at its moderation algorithms that could be shaping the minds of our youth.

With the rise in the use of marijuana in the youth, is there any correlation with this rise and other social ills?

Trends in marriage in terms of whether women prefer keeping their last name rather than taking the name of their husband.

A look at the growing mental health crisis, especially in the youth, that is growing in America and across the Western world.

STD rates have risen significantly over the past few decades - are their any solutions - or part of a decaying society?

Which Hollywood content creator is the winner relative to LGBTQ issues in movies and TV content on box office performance? Go woke go broke?

In the cultural war going on in America, many have charged that we are decending into poorly concieved book bannings - others believe it is merely part of the indoctrination of the youth scheme.

A growing number of the youth are working. A review of employee satisfaction and why many are choosing not to work.