A look at the Airbnb rental market to understand whether there is an over supply of properties that could end further depressing the real estate market.

Is the US economy teetering to fall into recession or worse? A look at the macro-economic charts for 2023-07-03.

The Fed jawbones the markets to believe they will remain tough to fight inflation. A look at their views and a prediction.

A 40-year high inflation rate in Japan could be the canary in the coal mine that signals Japanese and global market disaster shortly to come.

The economic data is turning negative at the start of the hot 2023 summer. A review of the US and global Leading Economic Indicators and the Purchasing Manufacturing Indexes.

A review of multi-family and single family housing starts and how it shows a structural change in the economy that is occurring.

A look at the direction of the EURUSD over the next 12 months from both a fundamental and technical analysis on June 20, 2023.