The October 2023 jobs reports stinks. A look at how American city downtowns are turning into ghost towns - foot traffic data falls like a stone.

After the November 1, 2023 FOMC meeting the Federal Reserve announces that rates are unchanged with a boilerplate hawkish statement. A look at future interest rate predictions.

As the global middle class is growing the American middle class is shrinking - a look at the grim details.

As China's property shares and global trade woes continue, the China stock market continues down. Where will it go next?

Have you ever been stopped on the street and was asked who's on the face of a $100 bill? Here is a quick guide of American paper money in circulation.

A rationale on why there is an appearance that stocks have not crashed yet and predicitions on where the stock market will be heading in the next two years.

Can one have their cake and eat it too? A look at inflation, CPI, and housing,where the Fed will need to choose between recession or inflation - defending their position like a Whack-a-Mole.

IMF down grades global growth. A look at the details and the accuracy of IMF forecasts, along with adjusted forecasts relative to past performance of IMF forecasts.

The coming Social Security fiscal budget crisis and a look at the average beneficiary amounts and when to begin recieving benefits.

A more detailed look at the September 2023 Jobs Report and how it is impacting the average American.