There has been a shocking increase of inflight emergencies being reported by pilots since 2022 - why is this?

Iceland is on edge waiting for volcanic eruption. Could this happen in the US at Yellowstone? A look at the data.

Despite recent negative headlines about EVs, a look at a few data points before one jumps into the EV market.

The Chinees have accelerated development of gene edited babies (CRISPR). If a new super race is created or meeting ET, could that shake your faith in God?

The 12P/Pons-Brooks Comet passes by earth next year and is breaking appart as it approaches earth. Could a part of the Mt.Everest size comet hit the earth?

A recent infestation of bed bugs in Paris has brought the distasteful subject once again - a look at a few details to be aware of to save yourself from its nastiness.

After 70 years, the water floridation debate continues. A look at its usage and some pros and cons through the visualization of charts.

Is the government priming the public with UFO stories to distract from real stories. And could the governement use a new NDAA law as a starting point for potential UFO lockdowns or alien virus mask mandates.

There is a global network of cities call C40 who have put together climate change goals that are shocking. Does any of this make sense?

The Mississippi river has seen a dramatic drop in water levels. A look at the scale and impact of the effects of low water levels on the Mississippi river.