Ozempic (semaglutide) is touted to be a weight loss wonder drug to solve the obesity and diabetes problems we have. A breif review of Ozempic by some numbers.

Autum 2023 has arrived and time to view the beautiful fall colors. A forecast and a tour of where to view in all 50 states of America.

After the discovery of a huge Lithium deposit in the US, a look at the global reserves, production and demand by country and potential future effects.

A look at baldness (hair loss) and some the possible reasons behind the condition.

Bee and other insect populations have been recently declining. What are the possible causes and could this also be effecting humans?

A look at the Farmer's Almanac and long range weather forecasts - does an extreme hot summer often lead to a following extreme cold winter?

A look at the recent large sunspots and its effects on the earth. Also, a look at historical solar maximums and minimum providing a forcast on future impacts on the earth and possibly climate change issues.

A fun look at different animal species interms of their characteristics of fastest, strongest, longevity of life, intelligents and other abilities, with relevance to humans.

A look at the conspiracy theories of the Maui fires. Was the government conplicit? And what of the new AI generated media narrative creation.

A look at carbon capture sytems and the math on whether these systems are better than simply planting trees.