Bloomberg recently put out a report indication that only 6% of whites were hired by the top s&p 100 companies. A look at the details and its rationale.

The Ukraine-Russia war, factoids by the charts to help better understand the conflict and who might be winning amid the ongoing geopolitical tensions.

After Russell Brand recently being canceled, a look at his popularity numbers and social media footprint.

A look at polling and predictions for the 2024 US presidential elections, along with the recent political debauchery.

Exploring the impact and implications of the recent UAW Strike for the US economy and the labor movement.

Many believe Gen Z is becoming more conservative. A look at recent polling to see if this is true.

Eurozone and global PMIs are looking weak. A look at the EURUSD Forex cross to see where it is heading from a trader's viewpoint.

In a recent Scott Adams podcast, he outlines a mechanism that may cause a left vs right narrative in the news. Using recent polling data, an analysis to see if this news narrative theory could be real.

A look at the key voter demographic issues in the 2024 US presidential elections - the reality may suprise you.

After the first GOP debate for the primaries of the 2024 presidential election , some commentary and a look at early polling to see the direction of politics in America.