Since the overturning of Roe V Wade, ProChoice supporters have been chipping away at previously gained ProLife support. What is the future for this issue in US politics?

There has been a shocking increase of inflight emergencies being reported by pilots since 2022 - why is this?

Bill Gates becomes one of the largest farmers in American, while at the same time tries to monopolize the plant based meat market (veggie burgers).

Iceland is on edge waiting for volcanic eruption. Could this happen in the US at Yellowstone? A look at the data.

New report suggest US flight delays hit a record high. Also a look at some data to see if the skies really are friendly.

Kevin O'Leary of "Shark Tank" tells Americans to downsize as much as 20 to 25% in light of higher inflation and interest rates for not only Christmas 2023 but in our over all lifestyles.

Despite a severe drop in wine production to 62 year lows, a drop in consumption may keep inevitable price rises in check.

With the recent rise in immigration into the US, what coould be the possible effects in future elections?

More than 10 million low-income Americans have lost Medicaid coverage as states continue checking eligibility checks - lets look at the details.

After a month after the start of the recent Israel Hamas war, a look at the protests, polling and policy shifts that may suprise you.