Emblematic of many Western economies, a look at the UK economy in detail and the traject direction of where it is heading.

A look at the opium poppy production in Afganistan and understanding why the Taliban seems to have been more successful than the US in iradication programs.

A look at the conspiracy theories of the Maui fires. Was the government conplicit? And what of the new AI generated media narrative creation.

A look at carbon capture sytems and the math on whether these systems are better than simply planting trees.

Americans have lost $245 billion in sports betting since 2018. A look at the growth in gambling in America and the potential cultural issues that can occur.

Is Bidenomics working? Outside the typical economic indicators, here are nine consumer indicators that show troubling times ahead for the average American consumer.

Using AI, we play a ficitional war game to see the likelihood of a nuclear war event in Ukraine. See the war game results with the precent likelihood of nuclear war.

A look at the fear of AI polling and potential reason. In addition, a look at the AI fear in terms of job losses and a AI maturity model to understand how one may avoid AI job loss.

A look at whether coporations are killing the mom and pop businesses and what effect this is have on the structure of the economy.

A look at the detailed data on where the economy and geopolitics of China is heading. Will it become the next preeminent global country or crash like a house of cards?