Remember the 1981 film that captured everyone's imagination, Raiders of the Lost Ark," starring Harrison Ford. This memorable, fun film has spawned many to wonder - just where is the Ark of Covenant described in the Bible today?
Pumped hydro storage is considered one of the most established and widely used forms of grid-scale energy storage. A look at the pros and cons of the technology and its future prospects.
With an American deindustrialization trend entrenched for decades, a look at recent ominous trends in manufacturing indicators that indicate that no recovery is in sight.
A look at a recent PEW poll of the state of parenting in America - it's goals, challenges, self-analysis, and rewards of parenting efforts.
With the explosion of plastics in the world, and that many of the chemicals from them have seeped into our food and drink, are these microplastics a concern to our health?
A recent party association poll from Gallup indicates that the majority of voters identify as independent. What is the profile of independent voter and who are they in reality.
Corporate profits has skyrocketed 50% after Covid. What are the reasons for this, and has big business been an honest actor?
As the world seems to be spinning out of control, with wars and rumors of wars abound, are the Houthis Red Sea attacks mentioned in Biblical prophecy?
The notion that each generation perceives the previous one as lazy or lacking in character is often rooted in stereotypes. However, recent studies say otherwise concerning Gen Z. How true is this?
The rise of the gig economy over the past decade could hit a big snag, as Biden regulations may hit because this government feels it may be too exploitive to workers.