There is the age old debate between evolution or creationism. Do the mathematical probabilities disprove evolution?

Considering all the stress going on in the world, a look at a recent Mckinsey report on worker satisfaction - is life getting easier at work?

Trust and media bias in journalism and their media outlets, is at all time lows and could go even lower if current trends continue. A look at what is driving us to singularity in media.

Recession expectations running at all time highs for US economy in 2024. Using AI economic predictive models - a recession by fire (accelerating inflation) or drowning (lower GDP).

2024 is potentially a year of change, as nearly 50% of the world votes for their leaders. Will it make a difference?

There have been several report out about how certain commodity prices are starting to skyrocket. Is this emblematic of higher food prices to come along with inflation?

As we turn the page on 2023, here are five shocking predictions concerning US politics, geopolitics, economy and the continuing potentential culture war. Will these events occur?